A leading cause of infertility, (or sub-fertility) PCOS has been slowed or reversed with the help of Chinese herbs and Acupuncture. Of the many successes in our clinic, one that consistently sees improvement in pregnancy outcomes and over all health has been Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, (or PCOS as it is commonly referred to) with Acupuncture and Chinese herbs. I have been treating women with PCOS for a number of years now and I find it one of the most rewarding conditions to treat; it responds extremely well to Chinese medicine and the pregnancy rate is higher than is usual for most other common causes ofRead More →

Having a baby is hard enough in this age of medical interference, without the additional widely accepted expectation that you will be back at work before you are in any way near ready.   Today’s western mothers are leaving the house to “get on with life”, baby in tow, before the baby is even two weeks old!  Many are back at work after 6 weeks leaving baby in the care of childcare centres or, if lucky, in home nannies or trusted, capable relatives.   This combination of over activity and societal expectations is  a recipe for malnourished, under slept, stressed out mamas and unsettled, potentiallyRead More →