Heart issues, whether physiological or emotional, can affect all aspects of our lives. The Chinese view the Heart as the Emperor or Empress of the body, and as they say: “When the Emperor is firmly on the Throne, there is Peace in the Nation.”

This means that when your heart is secure and settled, you feel stronger, calmer and happier.

The East Asian medical model offers a completely different paradigm than Western Medicine’s, and therefore views and treats humans as much more than their chemical make-up. Humans are part of nature, and our physical and mental health is affected by the same climactic factors as the planet.

Emotions, food, water, weather, pollution etc. are all potential sources of “pathogenic factors” (factors that can cause disease) in the Chinese world view.

Humans are a microcosm of our world and when our elements are out of balance, we feel it. Balance the elements and you balance the person. For “heart” issues ranging from arrhythmias, circulatory problems, grief, insomnia or Anxiety/Depression, East Asian medicine may have an answer for you. I have more than 20 year’s experience treating these issues and I may be able to help you.

Getting to the root

Chinese medicine focusses on treating both “Roots” and “Branches”, i.e. causes and symptoms of disease. Symptoms are what bring most people in to the clinic, but treating the Root is the most important aspect and is what ultimately, brings Healing. I use a multi-facteted approach to help you find the root of your problem(s) so they can resolve. In all cases, the job will be a coordinated effort between you as the patient and me as the practitioner, but at the end of the day, the person who heals you is YOU. I am here to help you do just that.

Transforming self limiting behaviour

Most of us don’t even realise that our thoughts create our reality; literally.

One of my teachers said: “If you want to know what you’re thinking, look around at what you see, because you create it. (with your thoughts!)”

This means we see what we expect to see. Is the city beautiful or ugly? Does the air smell sweet or foul? Are the people around you friendly and benevolent or are they competing with you to get scarce resources? Do they or don’t they have other people’s best interests at heart? Your answers will depend entirely on your worldview.

Albert Einstein was supposed to have said “The most important decision you can make is whether you live in a friendly, or a hostile universe.”

This means our thoughts shape our reality. We decide how the world affects us and how we are going to feel about it and react to it.

We focus on what our beliefs tell us, and think this is the way things are. But things aren’t the same way for everyone and your “truth” may not be another’s.

Things that don’t fit are ignored and we think what we’re seeing is reality, but it’s only our reality, right now. If you want your life to change, you have to change self-limiting beliefs and change your habitual way of thinking.

Remember, the most important person to love is yourself! How do you feel about yourself right now? How do you feel about the other people in your life? Would you like to change that?

If so, make an appointment, right now.