Auto-Immune Disease (A.I.)

Chinese medicine approaches immunity in a unique way, affecting, accessing and harnessing the body’s own regulatory homeostatic systems and it may play a major role in resolving immune dysfunction, helping the immune system resume its natural function of protecting the body appropriately, instead of rebelling and attacking the Self, as in a typical auto immune condition.

Prevention is a major focus of Chinese Medicine and is one of its advantages over Western (or Allopathic) Medicine.

Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and Manual therapies (Tui Na, Shiatsu, Gua Sha, Moxibustion  etc.) have been shown to alter blood chemistry, improve hormonal regulation and improve circulation, including circulation of WBCs and other immune cells. (link to studies. inserted here)

Some A.I. is, of course, easier to treat than others.  In many cases, using Chinese medicine,  the autoimmune process can be slowed and may in some cases stop progressing – causing it to “go into remission”), without the use of steroids or immuno-suppressive drugs – drugs that can have nasty side effects, especially with long term use.  Chinese Medicine has very few negative side effects (but lots of positive ones!)

Chinese Medicine may strengthen the systems that maintain a healthy immune response and assist the body (and mind) to integrate, resolving the internal conflict that may be a contributing factor in this kind of disease process.  

My approach is to address the organ systems whose role it is to regulate appropriate immunity, to strengthen the body and calm the mind from the inside, allowing immune cells to appropriately recognise Self and non-Self with less confusion and less reactivity.

Auto-Immune and Fertility

Common in the clinic are fertility issues due to autoimmune factors.  Frequently we see anti cardio lipid or antiphospholipid antibodies, hypothyroidism due to antibodies, anti ovarian antibodies, anti-sperm antibodies etc. among others. These conditions can all cause either the failure of conception or cause the mother’s body to attack a growing fetus, or prevent a placenta from forming appropriately or cause a “spontaneous abortion” or miscarriage.

Endometriosis is also commonly seen in the clinic, which may be caused by an overactive immune, or inflammatory response. This may be caused or exacerbated by eating foods we may have intolerances to that can increase the permeability of our intestines, causing hyperactive (inappropriate)  immune responses that end up affecting us systemically.  

Improvement may often be made by simply changing your diet and strengthening your digestive function through Acupuncture and or Chinese Herbs.  More improvement can be made by changing lifestyle factors and enjoying a more balanced life.  I can help you achieve these outcomes when you come in for treatment.

Please give me a call to talk further.